Terms and Conditions

1. Agreement Overview:
This Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into between dKash, the service provider, and the restaurant owner and driver, the service users. By utilising the dKash Delivery App Service, both parties agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined herein.
2. Service Description:
dKash provides a delivery app service that connects restaurant owners with drivers for the efficient delivery of food orders. The service is priced at 1 credit per delivery request.
3. Credit Purchase:
Restaurant owners must purchase credits in advance from dKash before making a delivery request. The cost of each credit is determined by dKash and is non-refundable.
4. Delivery Process:
4.1. Order Placement:
Restaurant owners initiate a delivery request through the dKash Delivery App, deducting 1 credit from their account.
4.2. Food Preparation:
Restaurant owners are responsible for ensuring that the ordered food is prepared and ready for pickup before the driver arrives.
4.3. Maximum Waiting Time:
Drivers will wait for a maximum of 5 minutes upon arrival at the restaurant premises.
4.4. Late Preparation Charges:
If the restaurant fails to have the food ready within the specified 5-minute timeframe, the driver is authorized to leave the premises.
In such cases, the restaurant owner will be charged an additional 3 credits for the inconvenience caused to the driver.
5. Payment and Invoicing:
5.1. Payment Deduction:
Credits will be automatically deducted from the restaurant owner's account for each delivery request.
5.2. Invoicing for Late Preparation:
Invoices for late preparation charges will be sent to the restaurant owner within a reasonable time after the incident.
6. Responsibilities:
6.1. Restaurant Owner:
Ensure accurate and timely credit purchases.
Have the ordered food ready for pickup within the specified time.
6.2. Driver:
Adhere to the specified waiting time.
Promptly inform dKash of any issues during the delivery process.
7. Termination:
Either party may terminate this Agreement with written notice to the other party if there is a breach of the terms outlined herein.
8. Governing Law:
This Agreement shall be governed by and construed by the laws of [Jurisdiction].
By utilising the dKash Delivery App Service, the restaurant owner and driver agree to be bound by the terms and conditions outlined in this Agreement.

[Adiaan LTD. T/A dKash]